Well guys, i think a lot of you would have seen this video ,but i still felt it is important to post this video once more as a duty. I felt really bad after watching this video and to be honest i am shocked that something like this can still exist. I am about to post a video that has already been doing rounds on youtube, facebook and twitter, and i personally feel that people with some kind of intellect must watch this video to increase awareness about this topic. Ppl see the video and share it with more people make more people aware about it
click on the link above ^,
and spread the awareness
click on the link above ^,
and spread the awareness
Dude, this is to bring to your knowledge, i know its a noble cause. But the thing is, Kony was last active in the year 2003, and is rumored probably dead.. There is no more of his cruel activities for past some years now. And moreover, the video suggests people to buy that action kit.. i know its our choice to buy it or not, but taking in concern the number of views the video has got, im pretty sure many people must have bought it. Its not a wrong thing i know. But at the same time, it says that some part of the money collected will be used for helping the team of those 100 soldiers sent there.. But wouldnt it be better if the same money was utilised to build schools and stuff and help the people of Uganda instead?