Tuesday, 4 June 2013


... I looked at the clock ticking at the top of the computer screen. Then I looked at middle of my screen and saw the question I was supposed to do , it was a mathematical question  and i had kept it for last as Maths has always been my mortal enemy. After struggling through some theorems and logic i got the answer and clicked on the answer that that i felt was right among the given four options. I again glanced at the clock there was less than a minute left. At this point i really did not  want any kind of pressure on my brain, I had done all i could and 1 more minute wont get me anywhere , i thought to myself. Kept the pencil down and looked at everyone in the classroom still with their heads buried under there computers still trying to get everything out of the last minute and squeeze out every last second from it. I thought maybe i should feel worried after seeing their dedication but then my laziness won the battle in my mind. I kept the pencil down took a huge sigh of relief and eased myself into my seat and watched the counter go from 10 to 9 to 8  just like a new years counter but there was no party and merry making after this count down ,after this countdown ends there would be broken dreams and eyes with tears. As i saw the countdown count itself to zero i thought to myself ..since when did this mad race start. because as far as i can remember i have always been competing in some or other kind of exam. there were all the BIT's all the NIT's the central universities the IIT's the AIEEE's , Matirc board examinations and class 12th board examinations or some other kind of examination that would always be breathing down my neck and i didnt only had to perform good. No sir, you had to beat every other student who was competing with you to that one last seat in the BIG college  or to the top rank.A mad rat race that leads upto even more competitive rat races.These enterance examinations are also followed by fake promises telling " you know son/ boy/kid  all you gotta do is  give it your all this year then its a whole life full of relaxation and enjoyment. And to be honest that period of promised fun and relaxation never really comes. Also our imaginations and dreams are plagued by movies.All we can see in these movies is how you get into a college and suddenly meet the love of your life, how their is no pressure of studying everybody seems their are big parties where everyone's dancing with similar choreographed steps and you become the superstar rockstar genius you always dreamt to become.  But that is not the case the truth is when you get into a school or college of you choice you have no time to party go out hand out date or fall in love rather you are handed a bundle of books and given a new shedule, and then someone comes along and says you know what  all you have to do is study hard this year or for these many years and forget everything else and then you will have all the time in the world to relax and enjoy. When i see a romantic scene on some Karan Johar movie the first thing in my mind is , seriously mate dont you have an exam to study or some project to give tomorrow that you are here holding hand with that cute girl in those beautifully constructed garden.  While i was into my imagination i realised the exam had came to an end. And everyone had started to get up and leave. And now was coming the part that i hated the most when everyone would discuss their examinations and compare the number of correct answers for some reasons this part of an examination always depressed me. I got up their was pretty girl sitting besides me and i asked her hey how many questions did you do correct and she replied 56 questions only and made a sad face.  I nodded generouslly and showed that i felt bad for her but secretly inside my mind i was smiling because i knew i had done better i had done 68 questions and felt maybe i would get into this college if only everyone attempted the same amount of questions as the cute girl, then i headed out of the examination center there were my friends Shivani and Aanchal.  .  Aanchal was yet to give her examination but shivani had given it in the same time slot as me and i asked her how many did you do . Smiling inside me hoping i had done more than her she replied with 86 . And for a second i was awestruck. But then i thought so what thats only one person and i should always hope good for my friends. Then another friend of mine Rohit came out and i asked him how many did you do and he replied with 82. At this point i realised the odds wernt really in my favour so i decided i am not gonna deoress myself any more by asking this question. This is also an age old tradition where everyone dscusses their marks and correct answers and i absolutely hate this part because i always get few wrong answers and it makes my mood go bad. When you are asking questions i believe people are divided into species
And the Catagoreis are:-
species 1==> The honest people, they would tell you exactly how many questions he did right or wrong with no drama attached whatsoever

species 2==>The cute girl, generally a very cute girl who would in the most cutest possible manner tell you how badly she did in the test and then will expect some sympathy from you

species 3==>The depressed, he or she would come out of their examination depressed like their whole world depended on it( which may be true based on how much pressure is put on students nowdays and how  our education system works) they will not talk to anyone about the exam , will sit on a lonely corner and make sad eyes to the question paper as if trying to say"what did i ever do to you , why are you so mean to me"

species 4==>The sarcastic one these are the people who you would like to punch directly in the face because they would be the one who would have answered the higest number of correct questions is  are probably gonna top the exam and then they come out of the exam and say " yaar i got only 98 correct out of 100" and then make sad faces as if they are trying to mock us right in our faces. And when you tell them how badly you have performed they will say " dude you are so gonna make it". ye I personally hate this catagory

species 5==> the Lier they would come out of the exam generally depressed looking and would say he has gotten lets say 40 questions out of 100 right. But when the result comes out their number of correct answers is around 80.

species 6==> Last but not the least you have the Thank god the hell's over type people they wont talk about the paper, wont let anyone discuss it , rather would say you " lets celebrate because the hell is finally over".
I too meet these species in eveyone of my exams and this one was no exception. In the evening as we loaded ourselves back in to our taxi and i took the back seat of the innova and again went into my imagination. ya i seem to do that a lot and i am very careless because of it,but back to the topic i thought if this mad race ever end ever will we achieve the talked abuot myths of relaxation and fun and joy...... and i realised the answer was NO , no matter what you think , no matter what the adults say, no matter how many false promises people will make with you no matter how much misleading the movies can be the truth is "LIFE" is an enterance exam you have been competing since the day you were born, you were competing for someones effection , maybe for a toy, then you compete in sports then for grades then for schools and college seats and if you think this long chains is going to be over anytime soon  you are wrong my friend Most probably even after you get a job  , you with be competing for promotions with other companies , you would be giving enterance examinations for love .., or for something else, but these examinations will never end . The burden and stress will always be there no matter how much you try to shake it off. But that doesnt mean you will never enjoy your life because if you have an excellent group of friends that make your life crazy and fun and support you through it and family which will be there for you even when everyone abandons you , those people which after an exausting day you will come home to you will always be happy and content with your life. And just enjoy the "little little" things of life . Because generally in the long race of life the winner is the one who makes most out of the smallest things.
thats all for now folks.
-catch you guys later


  1. I could personally relate myself to your article. It was a really straightforward and articulate post where you expressed your feelings in the truest sense possible. I am glad there are people like you who share the lust for life and don't take it a kind of race (as you rightly described it)
    All in all, it was an awesome article. :)

  2. thanks mate, yep i too believe life has became a mad race.. hope we can find moments to cherish in our lives as thats whats most important in the end

  3. Wow,wot a touching article.Loved the way how you categorized the species,it's so true.This pressure and tension exists with Indian education system(it seriously needs to be changed,everything does not revolve around good marks n top rank) where everyone wants the best of best marks.If you study in international University,there is no pressure like this and everyone is so honest and straight forward.Instead of top ranks and marks,we have grades which are declared confidentially on the website unlike Indian universities where results are declared on a notice board publically.IN this way,all your friends know your result and they start categorising you based on your marks,people will less marks gets depressed and whatever confidence they had,it goes away in 1 go.

  4. indeed mate you have mentioned a great point , the results are posted publically for everyone to see, the weaker students who are already struggling to get good marks feel even more depressed as now everyone would know how weak they are, and then the taunting and teasing starts, some things really need a change in our indian education system

  5. while i was going through the category of species ...faces of people in our dept were coming in my head relating to particular category ....and then your expressions reacting to different speciesss hahahahha...... mastt tha yr
